Archives For Top Ramen

Cabbage Salad

April 11, 2008 — Leave a comment

Ingredients & Method:
1/2 head cabbage
1/2 pkg. sliced toasted almonds
2-4 green onions
1 pkg Top Ramen – toasted
2 Tbsp. sesame seed
Mix together.

1 1/2 Tbsp. sugar
1 1/2 cups salad oil
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
3 Tbsp. vinegar
& add seasoning mix from Top Ramen

optional: mandarin oranges & shredded chicken

This is another super easy recipe; half of the ingredients seem to come from a bag of Top Ramen, but I really like it & it is nice when you add a sauteed chicken. This recipe is courtesy Luann Richardson, she was in the Longwood Ward with us in Florida.