Butternut Squash Soup

January 21, 2009 — Leave a comment

I love this recipe. There is only a little cream & so it’s got a great flavor.

1 medium butternut squash

1 medium yellow onion chopped

3 tbsp butter

2 apples peeled and cored

2 sticks of celery chopped

1 carton of chicken broth

1 pint of heavy cream (or half and half)

salt and pepper to taste


**Nutmeg to taste

**Sour Cream (dallop per bowl)

**bread to dip


Wash butternut squash and take a small knife or fork and puncture squash all over to release air. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until tender (you can check that with a fork). Fill sink with cold water and place squash in sink to cool. While cooling, in a deep saucepan – melt butter and saute onions and celery until clear and tender. Add 2 cups of broth and apples and bring to a boil. Boil until apples are tender (about 10 min.) remove from heat, add remaning chicken broth and let cool. Peel skin off of squash and cube squash. In a food processor or blender puree squash and apple-liquid until smooth. (Do not blend while food is really hot, as heat expands). Return to pan and add cream. Bring to a near boil and serve.


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